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Customs escort

Customs escort

Participation in foreign trade activity gives such advantages as possibility to access the new market outlets, direct cooperation with foreign producers, expansion of own business. But customs clearance of cargo has a number of potential problems and nuances which can be difficult to handle. And any mistake in customs clearance of cargo costs time and money. Our company performs full representation of foreign trade operator interests with customs authorities and offers professional solutions of all issues arisen in the process of customs clearance.

Core services in the sphere of customs escort of transactions include:

  • consulting at the stage of foreign trade contracts conclusion;
  • goods classification (determination of codes) in accordance with HS codes;
  • giving recommendations to the client with regard to conditions of foreign trade contract;
  • registration of a client as a foreign trade operator;
  • approval and prior control over shipping and other client’s documents execution required for customs clearance;
  • declaration of goods moved across the Customs Union border (e-declaration, advance declaration);
  • participation in customs control procedures, preparation of documents required for such procedures;
  • preliminary inspection of cargo before submission of customs declaration;
  • arrangement of cargo inspection (in case the customs body designates this procedure);
  • representation of client’s interests with customs during import, export, adjustment of customs value.